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Thursday 30 June 2011

Makah Indian Reservation

Cape Flattery, Washington

Cape Flattery is the extreme northwest corner of the lower United States. You can't get much farther away from Key West and still be in the lower 48.....

The Makah Indians own this piece of beautiful real estate. They've built a lovely 3/4 mile walking trail on their reservation that goes steeply downhill to Cape Flattery.

It's a rain forest environment with abundant  moss, ferns and cedar trees.

The Makah have built a series of overlooks on the cape with cedar walkways and  viewing platforms.

We didn't see any seals or whales, but they are common here where the Pacific Ocean meets the wide Strait of Juan de Fuca (Wanda Fooka). Looking north, you can see the mountains of Canada over the strait.

This is a cedar tree. I'm not sure I've ever seen one before.

Lots of ferns and moss here in the rain forest.

We visited a fish hatchery. They raise Chinook salmon, Coho salmon and Steel head trout here. The hatchery cost $13 million. That's actually less than one F-16.  I do not begrudge the money the government spends to hatch fish. The fish have helped us and now we need to help the fish.

They have a new way of tagging hatchery fish by implanting a tiny wire in the nose of each fish.

The odd gadget above is an electronic fish weir.  It forces the Chinook (king) salmon up the fish ladder into the hatchery where they spawn in a most unnatural way and produce many new salmon.

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