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Tuesday 5 June 2012


We've spent about five nights in Asheville. One night we went to see friends from Sun and Fun. We ate at a Mexican restaurant. It was interesting to watch their videos of black bears wrestling in their front yard. Jerry and Michelle were very cool to visit with.

We have a little hard court in Asheville that we use. Carol got invited to play three sets of doubles with three locals. Most days she plays two sets with me. Our scores are 6-3, 6-2. 6-1 and 6-0 and so on and on...

They park the cruisers by our tennis courts.

One day we run up into the Blue Ridge Parkway. Probably Fall is the most lovely time to see the hills.

We run into "Slide Rock" and try to remember all the times we've been here. The first time was with our son Kenny back about 35 years ago.

It's a cool place to slide in the summer.

We spent $53 to have a martini at the Grove Park Inn. That was $37 for the martinis ( $15 each martini plus an 18% service charge plus a 7% tax.) We also had to valet park our old beat up to Toyota which was another $10 plus a $4 tip since there were no parking spaces....we felt like we were members of the 1%.....

Mrs Phred liked the evening...we walked around downtown Asheville and had tapas and drinks downtown...


  1. Grove Park Inn is SUPER!

  2. love the photo of carol....sil

  3. Hey if you ever want to spend $53 on a martini again, try the Las Vegas Strip -- plenty of opportunities to feel like the top 1% there! Good to see pictures of Ashevelle. I used to live not far from there in Charlotte.
