Bubbye and Zaza visit the grandchildren
We're spending two weeks here with our seven grandchildren before we get on the Big Bird to London with the two oldest. Raleigh has a direct flight to London.
The campground is on Falls Lake. The water is warm. I'm showing off my cooking skills with hamburgers, chicken and yellow rice, chili, steaks and other meals for ten or eleven...
I'm installing and painting shelves in the laundry room and a large closet. It's nice to have a little project to help pass the time. Most of my old tools ended up here in Kenny's garage.
Warren is an enthusiastic wood gatherer and fire builder.
Above is the patriarch, Vivian and Riley. The trip to the United Kingdom is coming up soon. The first day we'll see Windsor Castle, Stonehenge, and the Salisbury Cathedral. We'll sleep in Bath.
On our second day we will see the Roman baths, Glastonberry and the Wells Cathedral. That night we've been invited to play in a cricket match and enjoy a family birthday party in Torqay.
On day three we'll have breakfast with Helen and Chris and explore the villages and National parks in the southwestern peninsula.
The picture below (left to right and back to front) is Taylor, Brooke, Riley, Barret, Warren, Carolyn and Vivian. Taylor and Brooke are coming with us to see England, Ireland and Scotland.
If you want to know about day 4 though day 21 of our UK trip, follow the blog.
Carolyn offers me a marsh mellow.
Mrs. Phred is known to the grandchildren as "Bubbye" and I am "Zaza". Bubbye is the name for a Jewish grandmother. Zada is the proper name for a Jewish grandfather, but it was mangled by the firstborne, Taylor, and I'm stuck with Zaza now....
Zaza and Vivian above...67 years age difference. Today I told Taylor that my own grandfather was born in Cork, Ireland. Time is fleeting...
Bubbye and Zaza with the seven grandchildren. Kenny behind the camera...
sounds like a great trip planned and it looks like you guys are having way too much fun....nice "rear" shot of Mrs Phred :) sil