We’re parked right on the St. Lawrence Bay, next to a strange statue. The statue is right outside the RV. It gave us a freaky feeling. We kept being surprised by the sense that someone was right outside the door. He isn't doing what you're thinking. He's just assuming a Zen posture which looks like something else from the rear.
It’s about 180 kilometers east to Gaspe on the tip of the peninsula.
The road has been intermittently bad with those cracks in the pavement that go make the RV go Boom! Boom! Boom! Some of the downgrades have been as much a kilometer at 18 degrees which is more than engine braking can handle even in low gear.
The tailpipe fell off the muffler so I got out the big hammer and an assortment of wrenches and whanged it back into place. Fortunately we’re parked on grass rather than gravel, so it was a comfortable work environment. One of the U-bolts had a lot of rust and corrosion from the heat so the nuts were hard to loosen. If it happens again I'll get a new U-bolt or buy some solvent to loosen things up.
Some pots fell out and some of the decorative interior wood trim fell off so I have clamped it all back together with Elmer’s Wood Glue and C-Clamps. My wood shop teacher swore by the stuff. It's never let me down.
There’s a hotspot nearby. I will buy a little time and post something. The sub above is an Oberon class conventional (non-nuclear) submarine parked in Rimouski. This class of submarine was used by both Canada and Australia.
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