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Friday, 19 December 2008

The Reunion

Wake Forest, North Carolina

My mother had three brothers. She and they all married at about the same time, shipped out to Europe and the Pacific Ocean in early 1943 and left behind four pregnant brides who gave birth within a two-month interval in late 1943.

Uncle Bruce was a glider pilot in the 101st airborne on D-Day. My father drove a half-track though France into Germany. Uncle walt served in the Pacific theatre. Uncle Everett was an MP in the Europen theatre.

We are planning another reunion in January in Florida. One wonders if there will be a follow-on at 75, and, if so, which of us will be on hand to attend.

The new "Blue Bus" ran well on the 800 mile journey to see the six grandchildren. We towed the Toyota and got about the same gas mileage as we got with the old RV, although the new one is 6,000 pounds heavier and seven feet longer.

Strangely, all my three cousins and I joined the Military and served in Vietnam...even cousin Kate, who was just a girl.


  1. so which one are you? and isn't jan the 66th? nice bus looks good....j

  2. Bob - I continue to read and follow your travels through this blog, very enjoyable!

    I ran across a cool free website that helps track and analyze your mileage and cost, thought you might enjoy -- Doug Leist

  3. Thanks Doug...I was just thinking of you...I need to get back in touch with L&D lawn maintenence...

    I'll call tomorrow and see if the are still doing the lawn.

