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Wednesday 28 September 2016

Wellesley Island State Park, New York

While we were in Canada  we maxed out our 12 gig cell phone plan. I added another 4 gigs and burned through that in two days. We went without for a day and started another 16 gig cycle. The first day we used another 4 gigs. At that rate, we would use 80 gigs a month.

I'm thinking maybe this has something to do with Canada roaming, but research later shows both Apple and Microsoft have slammed us with big background updates.

I tell the laptop that the tethered cell phones are metered devices and set the cell phones and Ipad to stop automatically doing updates and set a lot of unessential apps to not use cell phone data, stop making push notifications, stop updating in the background, close open apps, etc...the torrent of data use is now down to an affordable amount.

We drive though the upstate New York area. The leaves are ready to change colour in another week or two.

The bearded Amish farmer who owns the barn above came out to talk to us. The barn is 80 years old. I ask if he used a paintbrush and roller to paint the red part. He tells me he used an airless and that the airless was expensive. I think he'll paint the rest after the growing season is over.

Wellesley State Park is near Clayton. In the afternoon we stop at a restaurant operated by the Coyote Moon Winery. We order wine, a chicken wrap and a turkey sandwich.

Mrs. Phred shops for shoes but they don't have any left small enough for her feet.

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