We had lunch with Henry Jones and Minnie yesterday. They drove to Naples from Miami. We drove from Sarasota. I had met Minnie and her deceased husband, Ted, back in 1966 and 1968 in Miami. They knew Carol from her days of trying to integrate restaurants and other institutions.
Henry and Minnie married on December 20, 2003 after Ted passed away. Henry and Carol were arrested together 50 years ago trying to integrate the Dobb's House lunch counter in Tallahassee. Henry says that they found him innocent, but that Carol was found guilty of violating a restraining order. Apparently back then a mixed race couple having lunch together was verboten in Tallahassee 1963 eating places.
Minnie is as sweet as ever. She went back to school and got her masters degree and became a social worker in Miami.
This is one of the clippings I have of Mrs. Phred's time of radical civil disobedience. It took 70 Pinkerton agents, 5 paddy wagons and two helicopters to take her away. She got prime time coverage on all three National networks and the major newspapers. How could you not love a 100 pound woman who does night shark dives, chases away Montana bears and back talks bulky Pinkerton agents with black Stetsons?...
So ...do white people hate Obama? The stats below cast doubt on that. Most white people hate Democrats regardless of skin color. In 2012 Obama took 39% of the white vote, tying Bill Clinton in 1992.
In 2008 Obama got 43% of the white vote, a percentage surpassed only by Jimmy Carter in 1974....Makes sense that the DEM percentage should be highest after Nixon and Bush Junior, both unmitigated disasters.
By Jonathan Capehart
Democrats are crowing rather loudly about how Latinos, African Americans, women and young people came out to vote in numbers that helped keep President Obama in the White House. As well they should. The demographics of this nation are changing and Democrats are benefiting from it. But a friend of mine e-mailed this morning with a legitimate worry.
“I really worry about not recognizing the ‘white guys’ who did vote for Obama and made a difference in the election,” the self-described middle-age, upper-income, highly curious and vocal African American woman from Colorado wrote. “I know tons of them of all ages, income levels, political persuasions and sexual orientations. Just think it is short-sighted if we don't acknowledge [them], starting with the campaign team.”
Joshua Keirsey, a member of the United Steelworkers union, canvasses for President Obama's reelection campaign in Steubenville, Ohio, in October. (T.J. Kirkpatrick - BLOOMBERG)
“Overall the messages seem to be Latinos, Blacks and women voted for the President. A great message for the other side, but an inaccurate message for the President,” she continued in a subsequent e-mail. “He pulled from all kinds of Americans, rich, poor, middle class, all Americans. Like the President, who is half white and half Black, which also seems to go unrecognized, his campaign reflected his DNA and his lifetime experience.”
Mitt Romney was the preferred candidate of white men. He won their vote over Obama by a 25-point margin.Still, there were plenty of white men who voted for the president. In fact, plenty of white people in general voted for Obama. According to a nifty chart from The Post’s polling unit, the president’s white support (39 percent) was the same as it was for Bill Clinton when he was elected in 1992.